Jindřiška Seifertová - Litomyšl
If you are interested in knowing more about me and my painting...
I never thought I would ever paint. I had no relation to it, neither as a child nor as an adult.
I'm just an ordinary mom of four kids. So there was always something to do.
So life went on with its ordinary worries and joys.
The turning point in my life came later in life, after the tragedy of losing my son.
It was a time when I reassessed my whole life.
I started working as a masseuse. I was initiated into Reiki.
I was interested in spirituality, which was very helpful in coping with a difficult loss.
I believe it is the love of a child that guides my hand and helps me put feelings and energy into the paintings.
I started with crayons, just colored pencils, which was extremely comforting.
After some time, I became interested in painting with hot wax - encaustic. I stayed with it for about 5 years.
After that I needed to move on, to discover something else, something better.
So I tried acrylic painting on canvas.
I can honestly say that it was quite a disaster in my eyes :)
You need to know a lot of things before you even start.....I knew practically nothing, except what we learned in school, and that was many years ago.
Watercolors, tempera, some still life, pear, apple, etc...plus I didn't enjoy it at all :))
Nowadays there are totally different materials and lots of them.
In truth I didn't even know what they were for or how they were used. Also, there are all sorts of new techniques that I had no idea about because I was never interested in painting.
I've spent hundreds of hours on the internet looking for information. There's a lot to know.
Being an Aries who goes head to head with the wall - I haven't given up.
Many attempts followed before I produced a piece I was quite happy with. That's how my paintings gradually began to emerge.
My main work is acrylic painting, with additional sculptural paintings and other works.
I use different techniques and materials.
Painting fulfills me and is a pleasant relaxation for me. It's like a drug you need to live. So I'm kind of consumed by it :)
I love abstract painting, maybe because it's intuitive painting - a state of momentary mental state and also because each person finds their own thing in a painting.
I have no idea what I'm going to paint, I only know that I need it at that moment.
Maybe that's why I can't paint the same picture again.
It's actually one of the things that attracts me, maybe the curiosity of what will come out on the canvas.
I let it go. It may seem strange, but that's how I feel.
I dare say that I am convinced of one thing in line with those who already have my work at home. A painting that catches your eye will fill you with positive energy, because every painting has a soul and is painted with love.
Thank you for your attention
If you are interested, please contact me: ines2@seznam.cz, tel - 736 527 011