After the poems of Robin Kunc, we are now showing our second exhibition in the improvised street gallery Kočárovna, which we have set up on the castle hill for all passers-by. Spring Lines of Māra, Poetry in Watercolour is an exhibition of the Litomyšl artist; poet, ceramist, carver, painter and crib-maker Irena Švecová. Mrs. Švecová is very creative and always bursting with new ideas. What is particularly admirable is her desire to constantly discover new artistic techniques. After dry pastel, at the turn of the year she took up the rather difficult technique of watercolour. The results did not wait long and thanks to this we can let spring come into our hearts through her small drawings, which complement her floral poems. One window of the carriage house is devoted to coronavirus musings, and the entire back side is decorated with Ms. Švecová's earlier playful collages. If you're already homesick for culture, there's nothing easier than to take a walk in the castle park on a sunny day, walk around the carriage house and let the building "cheer you up." You can share your impressions of the exhibition on FB.